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5 predictions for the next 5 years of Business Agility

Now that things are getting back to normal, I met a potential new client, a senior exec of a large org, in a Starbucks downtown. The conversation was a “re-run”, a common narrative I frequently encounter in these post-COVID times.

The exec said “We need to transform… and fast!”

“Why? What’s driving this?” I posed a standard lead-in question.

The exec shook his head “We are terrible at delivery. Our market is far more competitive no. We need to be faster and we need to fix our delivery predictability.”

“That totally makes sense. What’s your plan so far?”

He took a sip of his coffee then stated confidently “We want to implement SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) company-wide.”

I probed further “What existing support do you have to drive this transformation?”

He hesitated then said, “We had to let go of most of our Scrum Masters and Coaches due to budget cuts. That’s where you come in…”

The rest of the conversation is not important. How this conversation evolved over the last five years is…

How we transform organizations is well, transforming. COVID, WFH, and the Great Resignation (also numerous market and financial shifts) are changing how we implement and even use Business Agility. So let’s look at these patterns and the next five years. Here are my top five humble predictions:

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Get unstuck & empower leaders through LEADERSHIP Hackathon

Running a Hackathon is not just for software companies. Spotify HR (yes HR!) has been using hackathons as early as 2015. Their first hackathon successfully increased diversity and gender-parity of at that time male-dominated organization. But their most recent hackathon did not have developers or engineers, but rather middle-managers and organizational leaders.

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Confessions of an Agile change agent

Chantal, a seasoned IT VP in nonprofit sector once asked me “When is the best time to start an Agile transformation?” I remember hesitating responding not because I didn’t know the answer. I hesitated anticipating the conversation to follow. I hesitated because I myself remember being in her shoes long ago hoping there is some ideal time when a perfect masterplan can play out. I finally answered transparently “There is never the right time. It will always be messy! You’re transforming people and… ” I wrestled grasping for the right words “… WE are messy.”

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